Welcome to British Spring College

Our vision is to raise a generation of students with the right tools, moral and mental ability to
excel in life and contribute positively to the development of man kind.

Welcome to British Spring College website Thank you for taking time to visit us. We hope the links provide a glimpse of our brand of excellence

Director's Welcome

Explore BSC on our virtual, and through various videos. Discover our outstanding facilities amids glorious surroundings.

Virtual Tour

Essential pieces of information for Parents can be found here.

Parent's Area

A BSC we are  a culturally diverse community which fosters a passion and enthusiasm form learning, through outstanding educational practices

Truly Multiculatral

At BSC we provide  a happy caring and stimulating environment, allowing you to extend your intellectual and emotional development.

Academic Excellence

We are delighted that you are considering BSC’s for your or daughter . Book a visit day with us today.

Parent's Area

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School News

Names of Successful Candidates in the 2024/2025 BSC Mathematics Competition (First Round) is OUT!!!

Important Information

We are pleased to announce that the Names of Successful Candidates in the 2024/2025 BSC MATHEMATICS COMPETITION (First Round) is OUT!!! Kindly click on DOWNLOAD button to view.

10th June, 2024

Names of Successful Candidates in the 2024/2025 Lady. Uju Dike Scholarship Scheme (First Round) is OUT!!!

Important Information

We are pleased to announce that the Names of Successful Candidates in the 2024/2025  Lady. Uju Dike Scholarship Scheme (First Round) is OUT!!! Kindly click on DOWNLOAD button to view.

10th June 2024


British spring college, Awka

March 11

BSC Admission window is still open, watch the video attached for more detail.


British spring college, Awka

March 08

BSC Admission window is still open, watch the video attached for more detail.


British spring college, Awka

March 08

BSC Admission window is still open, watch the video attached for more detail.

BCS in Numbers

Students participating in Extra Curricular Activities


Enrollment since

15, 328%

Higher External Exam Scores Than National Average







Current students recomments us


Satisfied Parents


Teachers With
Advanced Degrees


Awards & Recognition

british spring college

mathematics competition

for Primary 5 & 6

enquiries call 07032861442, 09064479023

NB: Please fill the form and make payment of 2,500 naira non-refundable fee to complete registration.

pupil's details

Parent's Information

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